Shipping and handling charges and discounts are based on quantity, and the number and approximate weight of the items ordered. It costs us less per pound to ship more to you, so we pass on the savings, as shown below.

Approximated Weight 1 - 3 lbs 3.01 - 6 lbs 6.01 - 9 lbs 9.01 - 12 lbs 12.01 - 15 lbs 15+ lbs
Shipping and Handling Charge $6.00 $10.00 $14.00 $18.00 $22.00 $22.00

Approximated Weight by Product

Lounge Covers 45 x 70 Mega Beach Towel 35 x 68 and 35 x 70 Beach Towels 30 x 66 and 35 x 60 Beach Towels 30 x 60 Beach Towel Golf Towels Kimono Robe Other Robes Wraps
3 lbs 3 lbs 2 lbs 1 1/2 lbs 1 lb 1/3 lb 1 1/2 lbs 3 lbs 1 lb